We offer digital expertise that helps our customers leverage and apply new technologies to solve most complex challenges.
Driving digitalization forward
BIM can certainly be seen as the core of digitization in the construction and real estate industry. However, digitization goes beyond BIM and there are numerous other topics that are relevant for our customers. We therefore see BIM as the basis for a holistic but individual digitization concept that we implement together with our customers.
Digitization means constant learning, because digital technologies inevitably change processes. The benefits of digital transformation can only be fully exploited if the digital tools are also used correctly. This is exactly what we enable our customers to do through project consulting, technology consulting, consulting-on-demand and our academy. As leading specialists for the integration of virtual and physical processes (RIB iTWO 5D, RIB 4.0), we train our customers to become BIM and digitization experts. We bring new thinking into project and business processes and enable our customers to become not only more digital, but also more agile.

Project Consulting
Knowledge comes from data. But only if it can be harnessed properly. That's why we support our customers in Project Consulting not only in digitizing existing processes and implementing the right software systems for this purpose. We also support them from costing to invoicing and enable them to evaluate the resulting data and expand their knowledge.

Technology Consulting
Making the most of data: In our Technology Consulting, understanding of processes, strategic know-how and technology merge. Whether in data analysis, automation, system integration or data migration – digitization is much more than just supporting existing analog processes with digital structures and technologies or replacing them entirely. It is about connecting processes in a meaningful way. That's why our mission is to enable our customers to achieve better results. Here you can find our portfolio: [TC Services]

Every company and every project has its own specific requirements, framework conditions and goals. That is why flexibility in planning and implementation is so important. "One size fits all" is therefore not in line with our consulting philosophy. For successful project implementations, we prefer to develop and pursue individual solution paths: our consulting-on-demand is our scalable consulting service that you can customize specifically to your own needs. Exactly as you need it and available exactly when you need it.

We bring together employees and information technologies in the best possible way: Our many years of experience and expertise with digital building technologies, innovative processes and learning and development programs form the basis for our training courses. Our Academy stands for the professional development of people who strive for sustainable change and impactful results. No matter how – supposedly – small you start with your digital knowledge, we help you achieve something that matters. We empower you for your journey into the digitized future.
Taking digital skills to a new level
Der direkte Austausch mit unseren Kund:innen ist uns in der Zusammenarbeit sehr wichtig. Zuhören und Verstehen sind wichtige Bestandteile, um gemeinsam die für unsere Kund:innen beste Lösung zu entwickeln und umzusetzen.
Our experienced consultants have a clear understanding of digital solutions for planning, design and construction. We support you in technical and strategic decisions around the topic of digitization. In doing so, we familiarize you with the necessary technical requirements, systems and standards and jointly implement your personal business solution.
Shape your digital awakening and get in touch with us.